The video you are about to see, created by "The Representation Project," highlights the highs and mostly lows of female portrayal in the world media. There is a reason why women struggle with anorexia, belemia, depression and various other disorders. That reason is significantly due to hyper-sexualized women in ads, magazines, movies, etc. We live in a world where everyone is constantly exposed to the media. So when a 12-year old turns on the TV, she is immediately watching a commercial with a tall, thin, large-breasted woman sensually driving a car. The perfect woman is always a non-existent human-being.
Even though women have made significant strides in the world of politics, female leaders are constantly treated as inferior to their male colleagues. The news will pay more attention to the quality of her clothes rather than the quality of her work. Young girls need role models, but if we continue to silence scrutinize the women who should be looked to, those girls will look to Victoria's Secret models.
This video outrages me. But it is also a call to action. The first thing that needs to be done to combat this injustice is to refuse to buy certain magazines. Change the channel when a sexist commercial comes on. Better yet, don't buy from corporations that make these ads. When a news anchor makes a sexist comment, write the station. Refuse to watch the program. These media channels and corporations rely on viewers. Without viewers they cannot exist.
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