Friday, October 31, 2014

Women's Equality Party! Pinch Me I'm Dreaming!

In the recent Swedish election, one of the various parties represented on the ballot was the Feminist Initiative Party. The aim of the party is to "drive through a feminist politics that for a world free of discrimination," and to undermine, "gendered power structures." In the weeks leading up to the election, it seemed that a party, strictly aimed for achieving equality for women had a chance of winning seats in the Swedish Parliament. Sweden your doing it right! Why can't we all follow Sweden's example. Their tourism website even advertises that "the modern Swedish man is a feminist." Unfortunately the party fell short of the 4% threshold needed to win seats in parliament. But this was an achievement nonetheless. A feminist party was able to attract the attention of the Swedish people and the world. This narrow defeat only shows that they will reach their goal in the future.

So we've established that Sweden's awesome. But there's another country following their example. Finland, France, Denmark? Nope! Much to my surprise, the United States may see the rise of a feminist party. Yes...the United States. In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Lietenant governor candidate Kathy Hochul and former NYC Council speaker Christine Quinn, have launched The Women's Equality. The essential goal of the party is to pass the Women's Equality Act passed in New York state. 

If they succeed in collecting 50,000 votes by election day in November, it will be recognized as an official party in the state. They will then proceed to push the passage of the WEA in January. One of the main leaders of the party, Christine Quinn, said the party was launched partly in response to the failure of the legislature to pass the "10-Point Women's Equality Act." Some of the points include, ending sexual harassment in the workplace, equal pay, stronger human trafficking laws, etc. In 2013 the bill passed in the state assembly but not in the legislature. This was due mainly to the request for stronger protection on abortion rights. Quinn stated that the party wanted to "codify Roe v. Wade." Many of the male politicians are willing to vote in favor of the bill, with the exception that they remove the abortion rights point. But Quinn insists that abortion rights is a key priority of the party. They have not received a single Republican pledge. According to Quinn, "We deserve full equality for women now. And come January, we're going to get it."

If the Women's Equality Party is legitimized and they are able to pass the Women's Equality Bill, then  maybe other states will follow suit. 


Monday, October 27, 2014

How Effective is the FCKH8 Viral Video?:"F-Bombs for Feminism"

In order for this post to make sense, I recommend that you watch this recent viral video. It looks innocent enough right? You begin with little girls dressed as princesses. How cute! But then you hear,"What the F#@k! I'm not the f#@king helpless princess in distress!" Yes you heard it. A company called FCKH8 released a video recently, featuring 5 to 12 year old girls that address the injustices against women, with attitude and lots and lots of swearing. I mean like every word in the book of swears. The girls tackle everything from the wage-gap, the representation of beauty and rape. It is informational as much as it is jaw dropping. Right now I'm trying to figure out whether or not this is the best way to spread the goals and ideas of feminism. A discussion is most certainly in order. 

Since it's release on October 22, the video has received over 7 million views. It has caused both outrage and curiosity. For the more conservative viewer, this video might be considered a form of child abuse. A five-year old should not be dropping the f-bomb. But then there is the more relaxed view. Yes it is shocking, but it also proves a point. Feminism is important for all ages. The video destroys the image of the innocent princess and replaces it with pissed off girls. And they should be pissed. They were all born in the 21st century and yet they are still living in a world where women are treated as second-class citizens. "I'm pretty f#@king powerful," one girl proclaimed. 
The swearing is designed to grab your attention. Would this video be as powerful if the girls were not swearing? Probably not? So I don't have a problem with its execution and message. I'm all for it. Everyone is finally having a nationwide discussion about women's rights.

But here's my beef with the company that made the video. The owner of FCKH8, Marcus Kon and  Brand Manager Justin Warner stated that they put these girls in princess costumes and got them to use, "a bad word for a good cause, " therefore starting a conversation about gender equality. But FCKH8 is a for-profit company. Towards the end of the video, they start to advertise t-shirts you can buy for 15 dollars. A portion of that money will go to a charity. A portion! The rest will go to the company. Yes they are sending an important political message but they are "also selling a product," according to BBC journalist Anne-MarieTomchak.
Is FCKH8 using feminism for their own financial gain, or are they truly sincere. I would certainly not call them activists. But they are getting our attention and right now people need to have a discussion about gender equality.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Execution of Reyhaneh Jabbari

This morning, 26-year old Reyhaneh Jabbari was executed by the Iranian government on charges of murder. In 2007, Jabbari was arrested for the murder of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former employee of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence. But there is more to the story. For seven years Jabbari pleaded her case, stating that Sarbandi had attempted to rape her. The killing was an act of self-defense. The prosecution argued that the act had been premeditated and that she had bought a knife purposefully with the intent of killing Sarbandi.

Jabbari was officially sentenced to death by a criminal court in Tehran in 2009. This sparked outrage throughout the international community. Amnesty International stated that the trial was, "deeply flawed."

Jabbari admitted to the stabbing but also claimed that another man had been in the house and was responsible. According to Amnesty International, her claims were never properly investigated.
Despite pleas from various human rights organizations, the execution date was set and Jabbari was hung at dawn.

Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa Programme stated, "The shocking news that Reyhaneh Jabbari has been executed is deeply disappointing in the extreme. This is another bloody stain on Iran's human rights record. Tragically this case is far from uncommon. Once again Iran has insisted on applying the death penalty despite serious concerns over the fairness of the trial."

A woman has been executed for defending herself against rape. The trial was highly skewed against her. Newly elected President Hassan Rouhani failed to address the issue as well as the Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khameini, who had the power to reprieve the case.
This execution is an outrage. It reveals that women cannot even defend themselves from assault without facing consequences. Rest in Peace Reyhaneh Jabbari and may your death not be in vain, but a message of justice for all the women of the world.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Deal Struck to Release Kidnapped Nigerian Girls

While the world at the moment has been preoccupied by the threat of ISIS and the spread of Ebola, we have forgotten about a current human rights violation. Six months ago around 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigeria were kidnapped by a radical Islamist group known as Boko Harem. 

In the middle of the night last April, Boko Harem militants stormed the dormitories of a small girls school and captured nearly 200. Some were able to escape while the majority have not been heard from since. Immediately this sparked a world wide campaign to release the girls called #BringBackOurGirls. People from all around the world held demonstrations, pleaded with their governments and spread awareness through the web. This worldwide reaction brought hope to all who feared that the world was not united. 

But then nothing happened. The girls were still missing and the world media quickly started to lose interest in the story. As soon as  ISIS surfaced in Iraq and Ebola began to spread in western Africa, the kidnapped girls seemed to be all but forgotten. Was everyone just swept up in the idea of activism and not actually willing to act? Maybe.

It's been six months and we are finally getting some updates. Throughout this time while the word media has turned its attention elsewhere, the mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and friends of the kidnapped girls have mobilized throughout this time and have never stopped the campaign. Last week, for a moment, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope. The Nigerian government announced that  it had a agreed to a truce with Boko Harem that would lead to the release of the girls, who are supposedly all alive. This is an election year for Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathon. So the safe return of the kidnapped girls would give him a significant boost in the polls. So that' where there is some doubt. Can Boko Harem be trusted? Is this a genuine truce? Because it seems to good to be true. 

Well, it has recently been reported and confirmed by US officials that 60 more girls and young women were captured from the towns of Waga Mangoro and Garta on Saturday. This came a day after the Nigerian had announced that is had a struck a deal with the terrorist group. If this is is true, the fate of all of these girls seems bleak.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Iraqi Women's Rights Activist Executed

Last month an Iraqi lawyer and women's rights activist was tortured and executed by ISIS. A statement was released by the head of the United Nations Human Right's Office, in light of various attacks on professional women in ISIS controlled areas. 

Sameera Silih Ali al-Nuaimy was taken from her home by IS fighters, tortured for several days and then publicly executed by a masked firing squad. Nuaimy had recently written a post on her Facebook page condemning the violent and "barbaric" acts of the terrorist organization. As a result, Human Rights commissioner Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein stated that she was convicted of apostasy by a "so-called court." Her family has even been prevented from giving her a funeral.

Nuaimy is not the only outspoken women in the Middle Easy that has become victims of ISIS violence. UN monitors have stated that, "Educated, professional women seem to be particularly at risk."
A woman of peace and justice has been brutally murdered by an organizations who's only goal is to strip women and others who speak out against them, of their humanity. Women like Nuaimy pose a threat to ISIS. They may have killed her but they have not silence her message. In fact they have enhanced it. Sameera Silih Ali al-Nuamy is a martyr for the oppressed women of the world. Her voice has reached out from the darkness of hate and touched those who continue to live under the oppression of ISIS. The torch with continue to be taken up and her light will forever burn bright.


Outspoken Feminist Receives Gun Threat

A few weeks ago I wrote about the enraging implementation of sexism in modern video games. Those who have spoken out against it have been continually sent rape and death threats. One of the victims of such attacks, as I mentioned previously is Ankit Sarkeesian. Sarkeesian is the creator of youtube channel "Tropes vs. Women," where she critiques all forms of sexism found in many of today's popular video games. In her videos she reveals countless video game clips where women are beaten, abused, raped and murdered for no reason. More often they are used as "tittlating" decoration and objects rather than actual characters within the game. Unfortunately many people within the gaming community are outraged by her poinient remarks. Over the past few months Sarkeesian has been receiving phone calls, emails and letters all with threats of rape and death.

These threats of not stopped Sarkeesian from spreading her message. In fact as a result of these threats, the gaming industry is finally making sexism in their games an issue worth altering. We can hope that over the next few years the industry will create games that portray women in a less sexual manner. Women do in fact make up 48% of the gaming population.

Sarkeesian has been able to continue on with her work despite threats. That is until, last Tuesday when she cancelled her talk at Utah State University. This was in light of a shooting threat sent to the University that read, "This will be the deadliest school shooting in American history, and I'm giving you a chance to stop it." The email was sent under the name of Mar Lépine, the name of the 1989 shooter of 14 women in Montreal who had killed himself in the process.

It would seem at first that, in order to ensure the safety of the students and the continuation of the talk, the school would increase their security. Well this opens up a whole new can of worms; gun laws! In a statement issued by the University the administration wrote, "Sarkeesian was informed that in accordance with the State of Utah law regarding the carrying of firearms, if a person has a valid concealed firearm permit and is carrying a weapon, they are permitted to have it at the venue." So despite this horrifying threat that state would still allow someone to enter a college venue with a weapon.

Sarkeesian then had no choice but to cancel the event, not only to ensure her safety but to the hundreds of university students who would be attending. This is an outrage. This story raises the issue of sexism and real life threats against those who oppose it as well as outdated gun laws the risk the safety of the public. American law has silenced a woman's freedom of speech. 


Friday, October 17, 2014

The Great Malala

Last Friday, history was made. Malala Yousafzai along with children's rights activist Kailash Satyarthi were rewarded the Nobel Peace Prize. At only 17 years old, Yousafzai has become the youngest winner of this prestigious prize. The two were rewarded together for their campaign to end child suffering and promoting education for all. Their joint win also sends a message politically, as the two represent the rival nations of India and Pakistan. The Head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee commented stated that, "The Nobel Committee regards it as an important point for a Hindu and a Muslim, an Indian and Pakistani, to join in a common struggle for education and against extremism." 

Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by a member of the Taliban in 2012. She had been an outspoken advocate for the education of women in Pakistan and around the world. Servants of hatred and violence thought they could silence her. They were wrong. Within months, Malala was back on her feet and even more determined to continue the fight against oppression. Her attack only fueled her determination to spread the message of women's education. 

Why does Malala Yousafzai matter? For once, a young female activist is at the forefront of global change. Young girls are no longer looking up to actresses and supermodels. They now have a real life, average young woman ti look up to. Malala is a symbol of courage. Courage that many in this world fail to possess. She doesn't ask for money, she doesn't ask for awards and she doesn't ask for fame. The fame that she has gained has been utilized in order to gain support for her struggle to provide education for women in Pakistan and across the globe. 

Malala Yousafzai is the Martin Luther King, Mahatma Ghandi and Nelson Mandela of the 21st century. This is surely a bold statement. But it's true. Out of 7 billion people the world, one voice spoke out from the crowd. More will follow in her footsteps. They may not be ably to gain the attention Malala has harnessed but change will be made as a result. 

Thank you Malala Yousafzai for looking into the eye of hatred and not backing down.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Mariam-al Mansouri: Why She's BadAss

Move over Tom Cruise, there's a new Top Gun in town. Last week the United Arab Emirates confirmed that female fighter pilot Miriam al-Mansouri, led a mission of airstrikes against ISIS over Syria. When Mansouri graduated from flight school in 2007, she was one of only three women. She graduated from college with a degree in English Literature but wanted to find a way to serve and protect her country. She is now 35 and according to the Emirati ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, "She is a fully qualified, highly trained, combat-ready pilot, and she led the mission."

Way back in 2008 she said to a news outlet known as The National that, "A woman's passion about something will lead her to achieving what she aspires, and that's why she should pursue her interests." Flying high in the sky was her dream, despite an all-male environment. This is a dream that even in the United States, seems obscure for a woman to pursue.

Ever since Mansouri took a shot at the glass ceiling with an F-16 Desert Falcon on Monday, the news has been interpreting this as a message to ISIS. A literal shot at their core ideals, including the oppression of women. This truly is a big deal. But this is what bothers me. Will there ever be a time where it won't be so strange to see a female fighter pilot? If you were to see a male pilot you would think nothing of it. If a man had led the mission instead of Mansouri, we wouldn't even be talking about the bombing of Syria as much. As the ambassador said, "She is a fully qualified, highly trained, combat-ready pilot." She is a pilot like any other.

But hey at least we are excited about a success story in the world of women's rights! Right? Well some people, cough cough...Fox News can't give women just this! Sexism rears it's ugly head again. I won't go into details. You'll have to watch and listen to this misogynistic idiot. Enjoy friends!
